Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Matter of Form

I ran for just under 4 miles today.

Overall it went well, except that occasionally I would have to slow down and stretch out my right knee do to a tight swelling feeling that would start to hurt. I'd slow and walk for a minute, try to stretch it out some, and it'd go away quick - but it wouldn't take long for it to flame up again shortly after running a bit.

I think my right foot is not properly hitting the ground, causing strain on my knee.

New shoes, or Vibram Five Fingers might help - but I know it's not just a matter of footwear (or even going barefoot!)

A couple of books have been suggested to help with this, so eventually I plan on reading them.

Chi Running - Also known as the 'Bible of Barefoot Running' to many barefooters - this book supposedly has helped many increase their ability to run and feel flow while running. My wife owns it (so I guess that means I do too ha!) so I will read this soon.

Born to Run - Story of a man's quest to find out why his foot was hurting - leading him to seek out the greatest long distance runners in the world - a remote tribe in South America. Sounds interesting!

Hopefully I'll find something that will help me with my form - I'm going to need it considering I'll be running in that Relay in 10 months or so!!

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