Thursday, July 29, 2010

Awesome Moves and Allergy Updates

This video is just awesome - "Turfing"

And some crazy Ladder Parkour... makes human possibilities seem a bit endless in Urban environments.

(both via Kottke)

And finally, in Allergy news... It's definitely Anaphylaxis, now I need to find out WHAT the trigger is.

In some ways I feel like the response or reaction to this allergy (Pump some epinephrine into yourself and call 911 or go to the Emergency Room) is a bit extreme... At the same time I REALLY don't think now would be a good time to leave my wife and kids without a father. That's probably one of my biggest fears is losing one of them, or them losing me. So it's an interesting situation. I am getting prick tests for Foods and Inhalants today. SO much fun I'm sure.

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