Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ibuprofen While Exercising?

I know I've thought of using pain killers to prevent pain, but never TOO hard because I'm a little bit masochistic when it comes to muscle soreness/pain - FEEL THE BURN!!! NO PAIN NO GAIN!!

Now when it comes to joint pain, that's where I would have more seriously considered pain pills before exercising.

HOWEVER - The New York Times has an interesting article up on the effects of Ibuprofen during exercise. Check it out. (via biancolo)

I do think we overuse certain technologies where our bodies are concerned. These things are CRAZY AMAZING and much more advanced than anything we come up with. I'm not saying we should discount modern medicine or any of the wondrous things we've created - BUT I AM saying don't discount the amazing human body!

On top of that - most worrisome is that you are taking away from what you are trying to do in the first place! From the article:
The painkillers also blunt the body’s response to exercise at a deeper level. Normally, the stresses of exercise activate a particular molecular pathway that increases collagen, and leads, eventually, to creating denser bones and stronger tissues. If “you’re taking ibuprofen before every workout, you lessen this training response,” Warden says. Your bones don’t thicken and your tissues don’t strengthen as they should. They may be less able to withstand the next workout. In essence, the pills athletes take to reduce the chances that they’ll feel sore may increase the odds that they’ll wind up injured — and sore.
Definitely not something you want!

1 comment:

Kris said...

Interesting article. I'll have to clue Christopher in on it. We've never been ones to take meds before working out, but good to know.