Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Terrible Two S's

In my attempt at physical perfection (hahaha), I have been fairly successful, but I still have a long way to go.

There are two major obstacles to achieving my ideal - and that's what I call "The Two S's"


Too much of one, not enough of the other.

Amazingly this week I have been able to keep myself from Soda and candy, but it is really hard. Right now I am really wanting some Mt. Dew or Skittles.

I have been meaning to write this post for quite some time - and I think I'm finally doing it now because I need it to HELP me stay strong!

I plan on researching more on Sleep and Sugar and putting what I find here. If you have any tips on how to stop snacking I would appreciate it. Honestly what's the point in replacing one with more snack type food even if it is healthy?

Our society has made it seem like we need to be eating or snacking constantly! I don't think that's a good thing.


Unknown said...

You may be right as far as the achievement of total fitness,on the other hand if you have the right snacks and in the right amounts it can make you feel so good emotionally,plus correct me if I'm wrong ,I get the feeling that you are evaluating everything from a physical point of view,and might be ignoring the practice of meditation and other exercise of the mind which is just as necessary ,if not more,to be entered into the equation.
Being happy most of the time could be a good measure of how well you may be advancing.Never forget we ignore a lot more than we know,so there are times when feelings guide you better than knowledge,which is so limited by itself.

Andrea said...

Sorry, no great words of wisdom, but I thought I'd share that I have effectively elimated snacking from my diet. It's all about willpower. And not baking.

I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and if I am hungry between, I drink water. The only exceptions are birthday parties, etc. at which I snack in moderation just because the yummy treats are free.

Good luck on your snack-less quest.

Warlord Blade said...

Thanks for the GREAT comments - and honestly - I don't think completely snack-less would be that much fun! (especially when there are free yummy treats Andrea!)

I think that it would be sad to completely get rid of the emotional benefits - in moderation. For now though - I do need a more extreme approach to change my habits.