Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I've been quite sick lately WAY too often. In preparing for a relay race next Friday (!) this isn't very useful.

However - as a result of how crappy I have been feeling, and only feeling a little better today, I have decided that it is really time to increase my positivity in my life. I have SO many great blessings in my life, I need to remember that. Wife, Family, Friends, LIFE!

I am working on a 'bucket list' - 123 things I want to do before I die. I honestly won't beat myself up too much if some of them don't happen, but at least it'll give me something to work towards. I'm not even a quarter of the way through, so this will take a while!

We are working on getting our house ready to be put up for sale. Our hope is to get completely out of debt and from there - STAYING that way. We have enjoyed owning a home, and I do think it is generally a smarter option than renting. However, being tied down with no options makes it hard to stay positive. We are looking forward to some FREEDOM!

This is the start.

1 comment:

SunAndMoon said...

I hope things would work out the way you planned it.
My Sunny, after coming back from a 3 week vacation last year, got the shock of his life that he was told he is no longer needed at work.
It was a rough journey for us but with that hope, faith and constantly remember to count our blessings,he survived or rather, we survived.
He's now presently employed to a work that he loves to do, a more friendlier environment and more important,he's happier.