Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dumbells and Abs

Last week I started the ab workout class that is offered here at work - Yow! It's awesome!

I was able to go all 3 days last week, but Monday I missed it due to a service call with Oracle support, which went an hour and a half longer than I expected. (The call was an hour and a half)

I'm definitely looking forward to getting back into the ab class again today.

Taking that class last week actually helped save me from injury during an indoor soccer game. The team we were playing against has some major kickers - and one of those kicked the ball extremely hard right into my stomach. I was still sore and very tight from the previous days ab class so it didn't do a thing to me! It felt good that it didn't hurt - made me feel tough.

Anyway - on to dumbells! I plan on doing P90X again - maybe even kind of doubles if I can find the time (for the next few weeks this will definitely be impossible due to the energy it takes to take part in this corporate indoor soccer thing we're doing!) - BUT one thing I really want to find before doing P90X again is a bigger variety of dumbells - especially more than 25 lbs for my arms, otherwise I just won't get what I'm looking for.

So - keep an eye out for good deals on dumbells for me ok? Thanks!

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