Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Linkity Link Links!


The kind that leads you to random, thoughtful or otherwise interesting stuff on the world-wide-webisode we live in.

There's only two as long as you aren't counting the one above...

The first is a great little spot for those of you who end up helping people with technical issues every year when people get their new gadgets.

Computing For Dummies from Wired's Gadget Lab

"This isn’t a troubleshooting request, but it drives me crazy: watching people double-click links in web browsers. Why? WHY?"
I always die a little inside when I see people unnecessarily double-clicking...

Second is an interesting article about attempting things and failing from a 23 year old filmographer who makes me feel very old (even though 23 is the age I automatically think I am, even though I'm 30 now!)

Thoughts on Tour by Charlie Hoehn via Kottke

"I’ve failed more times than I can remember. I’ve tried starting up several businesses, tried patenting inventions, tried starting up online communities, tried building several websites, tried to win contests… and failed almost every single time. But I never chalked any of them up as failures in my head, because I learned so much in the process each time. So now, when I’ve finally reached a point where things seem to fall into place with far less effort, I can’t help but think about all those times where I didn’t succeed over the course of the last eight years. And I look back in fondness, because those lessons learned are the reason I’m here. None of this stuff happened over night — in a way, I’ve been working to reach this point since I was 15."
See? I feel old. I gots lots to do still!

Finally - I gotta include the YES! Cartwheel from MMAist Diego Sanchez:

Crazy. And he (at 27) also makes me feel a little bit older than I think I should be.

And I think I lied - there are definitely more than 2 links in this entry. Oh well.

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