Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Second and Third Allergy Tests

So I don't know if anybody really cares about all this stuff - but I figured it'd be good for me to document it, and if it DOES help somebody with their allergy problems, then great!

But before that - I thought I'd discuss something near and dear to my heart:


There wasn't that nice?

Now for the allergies:
First here are my arms after my 2nd skin test:
Right Arm after Foods
Left Arm after Foods
I thought for sure that I would have some more reaction to the foods tests, but I'm really not allergic to much there!

I was able to get a picture of the Allergy Prick test today - here are the full results:

Today's test was a few things to pinpoint problems, like Horses, House dust, Cockroaches, Aspergillus (a mold), Histamine (control) and a few others (I'll have to get the full list tomorrow when I go AGAIN) but instead of pricks they inject a little bit just under the skin. Looks like this:


So tomorrow I get to do more of the same.

My wife did some research considering that I have pretty strong reactions to most common forms of grass. She thinks it is highly possible that rather than something I ate - it was camping in Idaho amongst the sage and trees up there followed by playing in my Aunt's backyard a bit with the kids, and then playing more (and doing other things Dad's normally do) with the kids who had been more exposed to grass along with the high amount of exercise I've been doing. Interesting to think about.

I guess I need to stop doing yardwork!!

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