Wednesday, March 2, 2011

20 Year Old Advice from Ray Bradbury

In 1991 Ray Bradbury sent this to a fan... GREAT advice:

I think we definitely worry about what others think WAY too often. Sure the fact that I like Pirates and Fantasy books and Pullups and Exercising a lot is WEIRD to some/many people. But you know what? The obsession some people have with making recumbent bicycles or collecting clocks or religiously following the NFL season (and off season) don't make much sense to me either! We are all different and we should embrace that!

Be your own self!

Love what YOU love!

Thanks Ray!

(via Geeks are Sexy and other sites)

1 comment:

Ezmerelda Endora Enid said...

That's a SUPER great quote. I find I second guess myself all the time, and have a 'people-pleasing' personality when I am fearful... nothing creative or wonderful comes of it.
I like getting older--it definitely helps me to care less what people think and be more comfortable with who I am.