Monday, February 8, 2010

Insanity: Fit Test #3 and Max Interval Circuit


I am SO tired. Beat. Dead.

I decided that I would start going back to the Ab workout class at work. Today, being one of the days that class happens (M, W, F) I'm wondering if that was such a good idea. Great ab workout, but adding that on top of Insanity is just MORE insanity!

I'll see how this week goes then re-assess my situation then.

So today's Insanity Schedule was to do the 3rd Fit Test, followed by Max Interval Circuit (great review there) - the first of the TRULY Insane 2nd month of workouts. YOW!

First, here are the results of this Fit Test (Exercise - 1 - 2 - 3, you get the drill!):
  • Switch Kicks - 129 - 130 - 140
  • Power Jacks - 63 - 68 - 67
  • Power Knees - 106 - 113 - 122
  • Power Jumps - 65 - 65 - 75
  • Globe Jumps - 11 - 12 - 14
  • Suicide Jumps - 20 - 24 - 25
  • Push-up Jacks - 44 - 44 - 47
  • Low Plank Obliques - 92 - 100 - 107
I actually did better than I thought I would considering how tired I've been today! Except of course for those Power Jacks.  I'm not sure how I could have gone faster than I did today last time... but oh well. Overall I'd say the improvements are satisfactory.

Max Interval Circuit is 59 minutes long. I would suggest reading the review linked above - it explains it very well. I will say that 59 minutes is LONG, but it really is bearable and quick enough that you don't feel TOO bad at the end. I'm surprised I made it through!

Now for the scary part - just past half way pictures. These were taken when I had about 20 minutes left, so you can see how difficult this workout is!

I was trying to show the improvements in my quads in a couple pictures, which is why my shorts look funny, but there you have it. Sorry you had to witness that!

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