Sunday, February 28, 2010

MovNat - Natural Exercise

This is an interesting video... there's a mix of barefooting, primal/paleo, martial arts, and natural exercise! Pretty cool!

Looking into MovNat more and it looks like a pretty cool philosophy!

Reading into what the paleo/primal/cavemen, barefooters, vegans, vegetarians, muscle-heads, and everybody else has to say is very interesting.... BUT, in my mind every one of them is a bit too extreme in one way or the other. Each one of them has something to offer, but won't open their minds to other possibilities. I want the benefits of each, without giving up the blessings/advancements of technology, etc. And I do think that is possible! The human body is probably the MOST amazing thing that exists, and I want to utilize it to the fullest!

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