Monday, January 4, 2010

Insanity: Day ONE - Fit Test

Because I'm so smart, I did the fit test before the program without looking at the workout calendar.

One of the first things I did was watch the intro DVD of Insanity - and on it Shaun T says 'Do this before the program!' So that's what I did.

As you might recall, I hadn't eaten anything before I tried the fit test on Saturday (2 days ago), and I pretty much collapsed after the 4th workout. Today I smashed every single one of my results from Saturday, just by eating today. So don't forget to get enough energy when you are working out - even if you are trying to lose weight - if you don't eat, you won't be able to burn off those unwanted pounds!

Okay so now for the results of today's repeated Fit Test. The first number is Saturday's score, the second is todays.
  • Switch Kicks - 123 - 129
  • Squat Jacks - 58 - 63
  • Power Knees - 80 - 106
  • Power Jumps - 31 - 65
  • Globe Jumps - 9 - 11
  • Suicide Jumps - 16 - 20
  • Push-up Jumps - 30 - 44
  • Low Plank Obliques - 72 - 92
I actually struggled a lot with the power jumps the first time, and pretty much was dead for a while after that one. I blame lack of food. Today I had a tough time with the suicide jumps and had to take a little break because of my heavy breathing and heart beat. I blame THAT on not enough sleep.

Sleep and food - important for health? Whodathunk?!?

Still... it's interesting to see that my improvements from my first to second attempts are more than some of the improvements the example people on the DVD had over the entire 60 day period!

I guess for officialness I won't count Saturday's stats as part of my Insanity workout experience, but it is still interesting to see the limitations we can put on ourselves. With energy, I really was able to 'Dig Deeper' and see some pretty massive increases in some of the exercises.

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