Monday, September 22, 2008


Thursday before I went to learn some jiu jitsu I shaved my head. Buzzed it real short with a number 1 attachment on our hair trimmer.


Basically it was time for a change. Funny that with all the OTHER changes that have been happening (diet, home improvements, no Mt. Dew) I need ANOTHER change... but there you have it. Plus it is REALLY easy to get ready in the morning now because I don't have to figure out what to do with my hair. I did take some before and after pictures - so once I get them I will put them up for your enjoyment. Basically so you can laugh at me. :)

One benefit of having less hair is that the rest of me looks bigger. So now I look a little bit more 'buff'. Since my hair grows so fast it won't be long 'til my head looks huge and the rest of me looks tiny.

I posted the pictures in the most recent entry HERE. Scary!

1 comment:

Kris said...

Can't wait to see you with little hair. We'll see you guys Friday!