Thursday, January 8, 2009

Crazy Stuff I'd Never Do

Well... I'd probably never do it.

If they reduced the risk of DYING to ZERO PERCENT.
Still this stuff is SICK - in the good, not hacking up a lung way.

wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.

I've seen this before, but saw it again today while reading the blog of the webcomic artist with the best name ever. (I read PS238 and Nodwick - haven't really looked into his other offerings.)

Also - Icebreaker is another fun little puzzle game - but so far not very hard.
I likes them Vikings! I think my kids will like them too - they are just like the 'puffballs' they pretend to be all the time!


Kris said...

Pretty sweet video. The closest I've come to anything like that is skydiving and bunjee jumping. Some people just thrive off of adrenaline.

Christopher said...

Thats frickin sick! Um, no thank you.