Monday, January 19, 2009

P90X Lean Starts Today!!

Today is the day.

Saturday we took our BEFORE pictures, which I may post here sometime... maybe.

I actually thought I was more satisfied with my physique than I am. I'm not BAD by any means, but I definitely need some work. And BOY am I PASTY!!

We are going to be doing the "Lean" version of P90X, which is supposedly the easiest. The only difference in the first few weeks is that you don't do Plyometrics in Lean, and you do one more Ab Ripper X session a week in Classic. If we need to we can always add in more Ab Rippers throughout the week or more cardio - but I have a feeling we'll be just fine.

Today we will be doing "Core Synergistics" - which sounds like a LOT of fun.

I will try to post a review of this workout in the next few days.

The fun begins!

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