Tuesday, January 27, 2009

P90X - Legs & Back, Kenpo X

Friday was Legs and Back day and boy oh boy - I'm STILL feeling it in my calves today! 4 days later!

I think my legs are actually one of the weakest parts on my body. So this workout was very difficult for me doing it for the first time. The back portions of the workout are pullups - which I LOVE, but lately I am having a hard time with them (and pushups, my other former strength) due to my annoying shoulder.
23 different workouts, 15 leg, 8 pull-ups. The calf raises were not the hardest exercises, but like I said, I'm still feeling the effects!!

Saturday was Kenpo X. Probably my favorite workout so far just because I felt like I was working hard, and having fun at the same time. Sorry, I'm just a sucker for the punching and kicking type exercises. Makes me feel TOUGH.

This exercise wasn't extremely difficult, but it was a good workout. The hardest part *again dangit* was with my stupid shoulder not liking the way I was throwing punches. ARrrrrgh!

And that brings us up to week 2 of the P90X Lean program. Yesterday even though I was sick, we did Core Synergistics again. We did MUCH better and got a better workout than last week too - so I am pleased with results so far.

My beautiful wife says my slight 'pooch' (lower belly fat) has diminished some already, which is a good thing! I should probably post those before pictures so you know what I'm talking about huh?

Eh... we'll see!

So for now the P90X posts will stop for a while as we are just repeating last week for the next two weeks. If something comes up on it I'll post it - or if somebody has questions about it, but that's highly unlikely!

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